Review the land development application process in Surrey.
You must obtain proper approval from the City of Surrey if you want to develop or change the use of land in Surrey.
If you're applying for a Building Permit and the property does not require a Development Permit, Rezoning or other development application, skip to our Building and Construction section.
Our area planners evaluate development applications to make sure they fit within the Official Community Plan policies and applicable secondary land use plans.
We also seek input from area residents and community associations, to make sure we're considering and factoring in any concerns or issues raised with a development proposal into the decision-making process, before we make our recommendations to Council.
Below is an overview of the steps in the land development application process in Surrey. Please note, you may be asked to provide additional documents, requirements, permits depending on the type of project you are proposing.
The Engineering Land Development Process can be divided into the following phases: